Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Flow: For the love of water

This movie was very shocking. Water is essential to sustain life on this Earth and for someone to be able to take control of who is able to obtain it is very wrong in my eyes. The movie compares the flow of water to the human body. They say that both the Earth and the human body is made up of 70% water and the streams and rivers on Earth is like the flowing of blood through our veins. This was a very interesting comment that the movie added because they compared the Earth as not just trees, water, rocks, etc. as single objects in nature but as one unit that works together for a final product. This is the same as the human body. Every organ has its own purpose to serve the body. This goes the same for the world and nature that surrounds it. The movie also states at some point that man takes what they want from nature and leaves it once they are done with it. This is like if you don't take care of your own body than the body often becomes sick. This goes the same way with the world and its land. Although the world might not get sick, the water that is disrupted may cause flooding in some areas, or droughts in others, or maybe even cause the water to become more polluted. For example, Nestle and Coke take water straight from streams and rivers not allowing water to flow downriver for residents who live downstream to acquire water. In other areas of the world, the water is way too polluted due to people dumping their trash and sewage into the rivers causing the water to be contaminated. In these areas with no running water, they rely on these rivers for batheing as well as drinking water. There have been many deaths in these areas due to people drinking this contaminated water. Then the World Bank decides to establish prepaid running water dispensors around the towns only to find out that the residents can't afford to get the water. So what the residents do is they go back to the rivers and streams where the water is contaminated. What else can they do if the water is unaffordable. Finally, a man was able to produce a machine that uses UV light to sanatize the water. He made this operation so that he could make just enough money to pay the local workers who worked there and to keep the water works running. Being that most residents in these areas make less than a dollar a day, they can still afford this water being that it cost two dollars per year per person to get the water. Along with this there are other ways of collecting clean water such as funneling techniques and storing this rain water in water towers so it can be used accordingly.
This movie was very interesting because water bottling companies are taking water from the streams and rivers for free and selling it to nearly 10 times the amount it costs to produce the water. Besides that, people say that water is a free gift that the gods give to the people. If this is true then how can people regulate the flow of where water goes and how much it costs? Should we have to pay for the air we breathe and the sunlight we use from the sun also?

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